In 2022, AATB launched a volunteer-driven initiative to evolve Standards into a more straightforward and adaptable set of requirements reorganized into a quality systems framework. Known as the “Standards Rebuild Project,” this initiative resulted in a 15th edition designed to establish more straightforward and user-friendly requirements and provide the framework for conveying standards and supporting guidance for evolving products and technologies in tissue banking.
This page was last updated on June 29, 2024.
An evaluation of the structure, useability, and applicability of the 14th Edition of Standards showed that while Standards represents a critical repository of information and guidelines that provides the backbone for quality operations in industry, it was in need of thorough evaluation and modernization to improve flexibility, reduce overall complexity, and increase value to members. By creating a modern, resilient, and maximally fit-for-purpose Standards, AATB would be able to accommodate evolutions in technology and regulation and strengthen allied programs (i.e., Accreditation, Education). The Standards Rebuild Project was formally launched with the mission to provide best-in-class Standards through a bold and thoughtful redesign, manifesting in the 15th Edition of Standards.
The 15th Edition
As part of the Standards Rebuild Project, AATB released the first draft of the 15th Edition to all members on December 18, 2023. This edition, undergoing restructuring into a new systems framework without introducing new requirements, is designed to support user acclimation. Additionally, AATB supplemented the draft with a preliminary crosswalk, illustrating the transition of text from the 14th to the 15th Edition, including any removed text ("preempted") due to duplication or other reasons. A second draft of the 15th was provided for comment by AATB Council members in February. The Standards Committee reviewed those comments and recommended a final 15th Edition to the Board of Governors, who approved it prior to its release.
Key Dates
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding the Standards Rebuild Project
To enhance transparency and responsiveness throughout the process of revising AATB Standards, we are pleased to share insights into the concerns of our stakeholders and our current perspectives on these matters through the FAQs provided here.
View the Standards Rebuild Project FAQs
Recording: Rebuilding AATB Standards Part 2: An update and Q&A on the 15th Edition
Watch the recording of our May 22, 2024 update on the Standards Rebuild Project.
Recording: Rebuilding AATB Standards: An Update and Q&A on the 15th Edition
This insightful webinar took place on January 10, 2024 and provided an update on the AATB Standards Rebuild Project and discussed the transition to the 15th Edition. The webinar featured a live Q&A session, offering an opportunity for participants to engage directly with our team.
Access the Recording
Recording: Standards Rebuild Process & Update
During this 2023 AATB Annual Meeting Session, AATB staff and project group leaders provided an overview and update on the progress of our restructuring of the AATB Standards in anticipation of the publication of the 15th Edition Standards for Transplant.